Administrative Jobs in Poland

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Hi guys, it's my first time in this blog..I am italian and I speak english...I have recently did a phone job interview for work in Lodz..I'd like to know about salary and lifestyle in Poland...In december I spent 10 days between Warsaw, Cracow and Tatra Mountains....Poland is inside me and I am really tired to stay in Milan....
Someone could help me? Lease quote in Lodz? how is enviroment in some BPO companies? Wage differences between different cities?
Salvo: Nice choice. Poland is a place to be!:) Regarding Lodz, I haven’t been over there for many years but from what I have seen and read it has changed a lot from typical industrial city to nice and welcoming one with a lot to offer especially regarding night life and fun. There is also a lot of sport activities and possibilities in this part. Coming to the salaries, it all depends. I am Engineer and I can tell you regarding Engineering positions in good company the salaries are between 1500-200Euro per months. You can have nice and comfortable life this. I am not familiar with other positions so I cannot help you. If you wanna provide more details we can definitely have a look how does the situation looks like. Also, bear in mind that Lodz is a very convenient spot in Poland and you can do a lot of daily trips to many interesting sites. Also, majority of young Poles speak English so you will be able to survive without Polish. Let me know if you need anything more.
the company for which I did job interview (through international recruitment company) offer 3000 thousands zloty + apartment, mobile phone..medical assistance ..for it would be great!!! I am going to realize time spent Italy is only WASTE!! I actually pay 600 hundred euro each month in Milan..for me it too much....and even I should get a job in Milan (temporary or something like that), 1200 euro are not enough!!!! I hope to go over with this recruitment process...
The fact in Wroclaw a lot of people speak english is a great think ...I might think to go there even without a job..can I ask you lease average in Wroclaw for an apartment (one persone 40/ 50 square metres?
Salvo: Well it’s a good start for sure. You have 3.000 just for yourself. The other thing is that you will get a nice experience regardless the future. You can always come back to Italy anyway :) Wroclaw is one of the most beautiful and international cities, however, very expensive. Actually my boss spent half of his life in Wroclaw in his previous company and he loves it. Every day I hear stories about Wroclaw and what he has been doing over there  If I were you I wouldn’t go to Wroclaw without work though. For sure salaries are high, higher than in other regions but life is also more expensive. Poland common practice is to rent a studio apartment since is probably around 1000zl for rent + expenses. I presume 400zl everything included. For 40-50m it comes to one bed apartment and it would be around 2000 only for the rent + expenses. For the startup I would def rent a small apartment and if everything works out, change into bigger one.
sorry I wanted to write Lodz not Wroclaw :)
Really kind of you..perfect introduction lesson!!!! For vacations I would come back to my SICILY!! :)
Let's sum up...1500 zloty for a studio apartment, I mean 35[tel]euro... good price...
You are more than welcome! Ask about anything. I thought you mentioned that you would have apartment provided? Without apartment this salary is very low. It’s gonna be difficult to tide this between 1-30 of each month to be honest. Make sure what benefits you will get. Whatever you decide I wish you all the best in Poland and especially fruitful experience. By the way, what type of company is this one? What sort of industry?
Salary is composed by 3000 zl + apartment and others benefits, it is good!! These kind of salary and relocation package only multi - national that works in Business process outsourcing are able to offer.....Financial services field. :)
Is it the salary before or after tax? If before you will have around 2200PLN per month. Not too bad for the start. If I were you I would take it and run away from Italy :) This country has a lot to offer when talking about traveling but nothing when talking about living. I see every day how Italian struggle in life and sometimes I don’t know how they manage to live...Besides every experience teaches you something:)
I do agree with you..I am not afraid to leaving Italy: the dubt on my mind if is it convenient going there without getting any job and look for it there? It depends both on the "wideness" of the market job around me and on the presence of multi nationa with open vacancy linked to my background.
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